I'm a curious and driven learner who is passionate about web development. I'm always eager to dive into new technologies and explore different programming languages. My journey into web development ha
Introduction Authentication: At its core, this is about identity. When users provide credentials (a username and password, a fingerprint, or a facial...
Introduction Transactions are set of operations that are executed as a single atomic unit, It means a set of operation is called transaction if all...
Introduction Next.js is an open-source React framework, which simplifies the development process and optimizes web apps. While React excels at...
Introduction JavaScript is executed within browsers due to the presence of the V8 engine (Built by Google, written in C++), exclusively designed for...
Introduction React's built-in hook useEffect is used to manage side effects in a component, We use useEffect when we want a specific piece of code to...
Introduction As we discussed in the previous blog, each component in React has data- props & state. Props are the one that can be passed from parent...